Managed Services

Telelogix Managed services bridges the gap between organizations leading technologies and management expertise   without   requiring   high   initial   capital expenditures    (CapEx)    or    ongoing   investments and   enables   organizations    to   focus   on   their core business.

Telelogix Service Management solutions support the broader IT objectives of:

  • Meeting Service and Operational Level Commitments
  • Maximizing Service Availability
  • Enhancing IT Operational Efficiency

With  the  constant  introduction  of new  technologies ,  invariable organizational changes and frequent business re-prioritization,  IT  complexity  and  challenges continue to increase. As applications and services become more complex  to  develop,  deploy  and  manage  and   with  tight  budgets,  every  IT resource, encompassing people, process  and  technology, must  be  utilized  to  peak  efficiency.  Simply put, IT priorities must align with business needs.  To  support  business  priorities, IT  organizations  must  ensure that the availability and response time of end-user  service,  as  well  as  the  underlying  infrastructure  meet operational service objectives Meeting these  challenges requires a fast, reliable, and secure IP network. However, maintaining the IP network requires regular, ongoing investments  in  networking  infrastructure  and IT staff training. Many organizations find it expensive to keep  up  with  new  technologies—or  simply  prefer  to  devote  IT  resources  to  the  core  business rather than  ongoing investments in technology upgrades.

Telelogix Service Management Solution

Telelogix manages network, security, systems, desktop and applications remotely through its NOC   & onsite with predefined service-level agreements (SLA’s) to meet the organizations unique business needs.  Organization‘s  that  out-task enjoy high levels of network support and availability, enable internal IT staff to focus on strategic  activities instead of network support, and pay only for those networking services that they need.

Telelogix provides the solutions needed to meet management challenges for delivery of critical business applications and services. To fulfill required end-user   service   level expectations and deliver true end-to-end service management, we enable IT to appropriately prioritize resources and align staff with their business objectives with the help of structured, customized processes.  The result is optimized service levels, which deliver value to end users and business partners. Telelogix has Network Operations Center’s (NOC) in   Abu Dhabi   & Dubai to cater to our customers across the region. We have a dedicated Service Desk functioning round-the-clock   that acts as a single-point-of-contact for all our customers.